Blogger Behind the Blog

I’ve always been a writer of sorts. From poetry to stories that played out in my head and eventually on paper, I’ve always had a secret passion for music. Songwriting had a tune while composition played the back fiddle. Music was therapeutic and writing in general was soul searching.

When I decided upon The Underground Artistry, I knew it would be a breeze to combine my love of music and my knack for writing to bring the world {and the music industry} forces to be reckoned with that flew beneath the radars. And they don’t always have a choice, for music gets played by requests and consumers push the demand of certain artists over others.

That’s where I figured I could raise awareness for the ones that were misunderstood, misrepresented and overall needed someone to assist them in reaching the masses that actually enjoyed their type of music. As a specialist in SEO, a connoisseur of social media marketing and hip-hop & R&B music, I could benefit these artists in doing just that; besides, what better promotion than that of word of mouth? Or…in my case…words on a screen?

The Underground Artistry started with a mere 1k views per day and is now grossing 23k views and growing. As a writer of sorts, I wanted to branch out. Give artists more options. More marketing platforms. More ways to promote without spending hundreds of dollars for nothing but a mere push in social site followers, likes on a facebook page; may or may not include radio play, email marketing, etc.

Bloggers are a vital piece of the symphonic assembly that plays every time an artist steps foot onto a venue. Bloggers drive avid fans and the potential to shows and raise awareness for the like. Bloggers keep the masses up to date on upcoming events, album releases, the publishing of new music videos, and more.

In 2015, I decided to make a reality out of this part-time love affair between writing and music. Intertwining the two to bring the world: The Underground Artistry. A blog where you can find and listen to the hottest underground artists, some you may or may not have heard of; get caught up on some of the juiciest music news, and be the first to pre-order some of the hottest albums before they release. Another site, not just another blog.

Where else can you find poetically crafted press releases combined with the hottest underground artists? How about starting with The Underground Artistry? Visit the site that started it all right here.

Blogger behind the Blog
The blogger behind the Blog

Where will this adventure lead? I’ll let you know every step of the way.

Want to connect with me?

Email me @
connect with me on either of the below social sites:
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You can also connect with the blog:
Instagram | Twitter | Facebook

I hope you enjoy all the content – there’s going to be some update here VERY soon. Feel free to connect and email me with any feedback, questions, etc. And please allow up to 48-hours for response.

Until next time…


Rachel Marie, the blogger behind the blog: The Underground Artistry
CEO, Under Pressure PR

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